Rules of Procedure

Rules of Procedure

The Jacklin Language Center Group LLC based in St. Augustine Florida is an independent professional training organization. “The Jacklin Language Center” is domiciled at Chem. Falconnier 13, 1260 Nyon, Suisse. It is declared under the activity declaration number 82 01 00902 01 with the prefect of the Rhône-Alpes region.
These Rules of Procedure are intended to specify certain provisions that apply to all registrants and participants in the various training courses organized by “The Jacklin Language Center” in order to allow regular operation of the training courses offered.

1. Définitions

The establishment “The Jacklin Language Center” will be referred to below as the “training organization”. The people following the training will be referred to below as “trainees”.

2. General provisions:

Article 1 :

These regulations are drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 6352-3 and L.6352-4 and R.6352-1 to R.6352-15 of the Labor Code. It applies to all trainees, for the duration of the training followed.

3. Scope :

Article 2 : Persons concerned

These regulations apply to all trainees registered for a session provided by the training organization for the entire duration of the training course.
Each trainee is considered to have accepted the terms of these regulations when he follows a training provided by the training organization and accepts that measures be taken against him in the event of non-compliance with the latter.

Article 3 : Place of training

The training will take place either in the premises of the training organization in Ferney-Voltaire and Tholry, or in external premises. The provisions of these regulations are applicable not only within the premises of the training organization, but also in any premises intended to receive training.
At the end of the training, the trainee is required to return all equipment and documents in his possession belonging to the training organization, except for the educational documents distributed during the training.

Article 4 : Registration

It is strictly forbidden, unless expressly waived, to record or film the training sessions.

Article 5 : Pedagogical documentation

The educational documentation provided during the training sessions is protected by copyright and may not be reused other than for strictly personal use.

Article 6 : Liability of the organization in the event of theft or damage to the trainees’ personal property

The training organization declines all responsibility in the event of loss, theft or damage to personal items of any kind left by trainees in the training premises.

Article 7 : Penalties

Any breach by the trainee of one of the provisions of these Rules of Procedure may be the subject of a sanction.
Constitutes a sanction within the meaning of Article R. 922-3 of the Labor Code any measure, other than verbal observations, taken by the head of the training organization or his representative, following an action by the trainee considered by him to be at fault, that
this measure is likely to affect immediately or not the presence of the person concerned in the training or to call into question the continuity of the training he receives.

Depending on the seriousness of the violation found, the sanction may consist of
● either in a warning
● or in a definitive exclusion measure.
● Fines or other pecuniary sanctions are prohibited.
● The head of the training organization must inform of the sanction taken
● the employer, when the trainee is an employee receiving training as part of the company training plan;
● the employer and the joint body which has covered the training expenses, when the trainee is an employee benefiting from training as part of training leave.

Article 8 : Disciplinary procedure

No sanction may be imposed on the trainee without the latter having been informed in advance of the grievances held against him.
When the person in charge of the training organization or his representative plans to take a sanction which has an impact, immediate or not, on the presence of a trainee in a training course, the procedure is as follows:
● The head of the training organization or his representative summons the trainee, indicating the purpose of this summons.
● This specifies the date, time and place of the interview. It is written and is sent by registered letter or delivered to the interested party against discharge.
● During the interview, the trainee can be assisted by a person of his choice, trainee or employee of the training organisation.
● The convocation mentioned in the preceding paragraph mentions this option. The person in charge of the training organization or his representative indicates the reason for the envisaged sanction and collects the trainee’s explanations.
In the event that a definitive exclusion from the training is envisaged, a disciplinary committee is formed, where representatives of the trainees sit.

Find Us


Nyon School

Jacklin Language Center, c/o Hédia Brunner
Chemin des Pâquerettes 4,
1260 Nyon

United States

The Jacklin Language Center Group LLC

320 Albacete Road
St. Augustine, Florida, 32084